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  • isilaysahin

Increasing the Use of Your AR Glasses

Many decision-makers are disappointed with the level of usage that Augmented Reality Glasses get following their installation on their site or in their business. Despite the clear benefits that the technology can bring to both the business and it’s staff, it is normal that the time taken for adoption is longer than expected. Similar experiences have been noticed with other technologies such as conference calling, ERP systems, and even email. This article looks at the options for accelerating the technologies adoption in an organisation, normalising its usage and so getting the benefits sooner.

Location of the headsets

It is understandable that valuable headsets be stored in a safe and secure place, but when out of sight, then can be out of mind and lead to reduced use. Locating the headsets in a visible and high profile location is important in reminding users of the new technologies available and so improving usage rates.

Highly visible use cases

Improving awareness of the technology can be assisted by using your smart glasses for a number of high-profile user cases. These may be Audits, FATs or new equipment commissioning. Where no immediate use case is available, use of the technology in a less critical application but with significant promotion of the output is an option. This may be identifying some engagements with a vendor, scheduling a series of calls with a sister site, or arranging calls between offsite staff and onsite ones.

Promoting the wins

While only a handful of staff may be involved in any particular initial use of the glasses, it is important to make other staff aware that it is being used and therefore help to normalise the technology. Have a champion create short emails to posters highlighting that it is now normal and therefore expected that it be used in your business.

Driven by Advisers

Many companies attempt to drive usage of the glasses by encouraging the staff who will be wearing the glasses to identify opportunities for their use. While this is productive, another approach involves getting the staff who will provide the advice via remote assistance to encourage their use (IT, Maintenance, Engineering etc). These staff’s time is generally very valuable and in short supply. They are also regularly the staff who already encourage staff to use remote desktop, conference calling, and file sharing. The benefits which remote adviser video calling will bring to your company is regularly linked to these staff time efficiency.

Canteen Testing

Set up a stand in your canteen with the glasses set up and switched on. Allow staff members to try them out before or after their lunch or facilitate them having a look at quieter times such as during their coffee. This helps by giving staff more exposure to the physical devices and ensuring that all staff are aware of how they work and what they can do. It also socialises the training so they can see each other having a go!

Refresher Training

Despite having trained staff on the technology when it was first deployed, it is likely that they would benefit from further training. This should generally be voluntary, taking place at a time that suits staff from a number of different departments. Offer this refresher training at regular intervals. It may take place in the regular training room setting, in the production or services area where the glasses will ultimately be used, or via a video-based conference call. Your vendor/consultants should be well-positioned to provide this training if further resources are required.


Onsite champions should be made up of a mix of senior and junior staff, young and old. Giving Champions an opportunity to demonstrate or use the technology during staff meetings or at other high profile events can assist with its normalisation. Champions should also look for opportunities to use the technology in regular work.

Management Buy-in

As with the success of any major change related project, management buy-in is critical. Visible endorsement, availability of training and test time as well as required budget for hardware, software and training must be provided to allow the realisation of a successful project.

Quick start and troubleshooting guides

Despite training, it is still important to leave a quick start guide and a troubleshooting guide with the glasses so a worker can feel confident that if they try that they will have a successful call. Make sure yours are up to date and available.

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